Rita Young Allen, MA, MS

Rita Young Allen | About Rita | LifeWave | "Allen Hall" | Contact Me! | Keynotes | Concert Soloist | Performance Genres | Ministry | Bible Teacher | Wedding & Reception Music


This navigation is a thumbnail of each link!


Home...meet Rita, the Artist!
     NSA link to website
     Network Birmingham link to website
     Testimonial link...listen to a host of
          clients and colleagues
     Rita's LinkedIn Profile link
     Life's Journey...travel with Rita through
          30 years of accomplishments
Meeting Planners...Information Form for meeting
     Client's Comments
     Fear of Public Speaking link
Music...Introduction to Rita's music
     Melody of Hope...numerous examples of how
          music provides healing
     Private Voice Lessons...Information
          (listen as Rita sings, "The Lord's Prayer")
     Recording Services...Services offered
     College Scholarships...Information
          (listen as Rita sings, "O del mio dolce ardor"
          from the Italian Opera "Paris and Helen")
     Carnegie Hall!
     Beauty Pageantry...Information
     Gospel Choir...Blog on David's Army, the gospel choir
          Rita organized and traveled with for five years
          (listen as Rita sings "Amazing Grace")
     Bryce Hospital Choir...Blog on choir
          (listen as they sing one of their songs from the 60's,
          "Every Time I Feel the Spirit!")
     U S Navy-Paul Allen...Blog on our son's exploits
          in the Navy (listen as he sings, "The River")

Rita Allen Biography
          Skills and Experience
     Download Resume
Speaking Professional
     Keynote Speaker    
     NSA link to website
     On-Site Education...
          Educational Classes
     Peer Pressure...Are you doing
          what you were
          designed to do?
          Skills and Experience

Retirement...explanation of the
     difference in Assisted Living
          and Skilled Care
          (Nursing Home)
     Baby Boomers...Live Fully and
          with Passion!...Classes
     My Mother, Mary Young...
          Her website link!
     Red Hat Society link!
Testimonials...dozens of
     clients, colleagues and friends
Video Gallery
Contact Us!
     Contact Information    
     Rita's LinkedIn Profile link
     Check Out Our World! link

Rita Young Allen Teaching Credentials.....

Master of Science in Management Leadership (Healthcare Administration) from Troy University, Troy, Alabama
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Counseling, Emergency Management, Public Administration) from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Executive Director & Marketing Director for two National Healthcare Corporations
Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Minor in Music Education from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Associate of Arts in Vocal Performance, Wallace State College, Hanceville, Alabama
Music School Owner for 24 years
Performed at Carnegie Hall with Private Choirs, 6 years
Church Music Minister, 30+ years
Published Author, "The Sheaf Dreamer"
Columnist, 20+ years
President of Alabama National Speakers Association, 3 years
Public & Private School Teacher, 10 years (Choral & Drama)
Pageantry, Top Ten, National Competition of Ms. Senior America & Alabama State Director

Rita Young Allen, Keynote Speaking Professional / Concert Soloist / Published Author / Bible Teacher / Emcee

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Concentration in Counseling) from Jacksonville State University.

Master of Science in Management Leadership (Healthcare Administration) from Troy University.

Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Minor in Music, from Jacksonville State University.
Associate of Science in Music Education, Vocal Performance
Snead State College, Gadsden State College, and Wallace State College.


Copyright 2022 Rita Young Allen, Rya Associates, All Rights Reserved. Information from this site may be reprinted or quoted by members of the media, provided a specific credit be given to Rita Young Allen.