Home...meet Rita, the Artist!
NSA link to website
Network Birmingham link to website
Testimonial link...listen to a host of
clients and colleagues
Rita's LinkedIn Profile link
Life's Journey...travel with Rita through
30 years of accomplishments
Meeting Planners...Information Form for meeting
Client's Comments
Fear of Public Speaking link
Music...Introduction to Rita's music
Melody of Hope...numerous examples of how
music provides healing
Private Voice Lessons...Information
(listen as Rita sings, "The Lord's
Recording Services...Services offered
College Scholarships...Information
(listen as Rita sings, "O del mio
dolce ardor"
from the Italian Opera "Paris and
Carnegie Hall!
Beauty Pageantry...Information
Gospel Choir...Blog on David's Army, the gospel choir
Rita organized and traveled with for five years
(listen as Rita sings "Amazing Grace")
Bryce Hospital Choir...Blog on choir
(listen as they sing one of their
songs from the 60's,
"Every Time I Feel the Spirit!")
U S Navy-Paul Allen...Blog on our son's exploits
in the Navy (listen
as he sings, "The River")