"Amazing Grace" CD Rita Allen solos $15.00
How Great Thou Art - I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy - Amazing Grace
- Mary, Did You Know - In the Garden - He - His Eye is on the Sparrow - The Lord's Prayer
"Memories" DVD Set of Rita Allen solos $79.97
Rita was a special guest for several years on the "Rejoice" program
of the Christian Television Network. These are some of her most popular DVDs from that program.
Four DVD Set including:
God Will Make this Trial a Blessing - Daystar - The King of Who I Am
- His Eye is on the Sparrow - One Rock - In the Garden Medley - Mary, Did You Know - Eye of the Hurricane - Upon this Rock
- Shepherd Boy - Take These Burdens - Wait on the Lord - I Bowed on my Knees and Cried Holy - Hunger for Holiness - The Highest
Praise - He's Been Faithful to Me - Lord, You're Beautiful - Bethlehem Morning - In Heaven's Eyes - Rejoice, Oh Daughter of
Zion (Messiah)
"Christmas Classics" DVD Rita Allen solos $23.97
The Christmas Song - Silver Bells - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas -
White Christmas - Home for the Holidays - I'll Be Home for Christmas
RAS Students: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree!
"Christmas Joy!" DVD Rita Allen Solos $23.97
Bethlehem Morning - Mary, Did you Know - Rejoice, O Daughter of
Zion (Messiah) - Go Tell - Jesus - Mother's Christmas Story - Holiday Prayer
RAS Students: The Sound of the Round

"Celebrate '93" DVD Musical of Rita Allen
Studios $47.97
"Celebrate '94" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97
"Celebrate '95" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97

1997 Student Showcase DVD of Rita Allen Studios $37.97
"The Christmas Post" DVD, 1998 Westbrook Show Choir $47.97
"Celebrate '98" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97

1999 Private Student Showcase DVD of Rita Allen Studios
"A Time for Christmas" DVD 1999 Westbrook Show Choir $47.97
"Les Mis" DVD 1999 Westbrook Show Choir $47.97

"2001 Afternoon with the Arts" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios
"Down on the Farm at Christmas" DVD 2001 Southside High School Choir and Drama
Team 47.97
"Grease" DVD, 2001 Southside Choir and Drama Team $47.97

"Stella" DVD, 2002 Southside Drama Team $47.97
"2002 Afternoon with the Arts" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios
"2003 Afternoon with the Arts" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony DVD, Gadsden, AL, 2004 - Rita Allen, Director $37.97
"David's Army in Concert" DVD, 2004 First Baptist Church, Rainbow City, AL $37.97
"Celebrate 2004" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97

"Celebrate 2005" DVD Musical of Rita Allen Studios $47.97