Rita Young Allen, MA, MS

Business Audio eBooks

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            Audio eBook on Organizational Marketing Ethics $29.95
                Medical Ethics for Health Care Organizations have evolved out of necessity.  The drive to redirect consumerism of the medical profession back to the best interest of the patient demands some specifics in marketing ethics.  The past three decades have witnessed a dynamic growth in marketing and consequently, a strong need for new marketing ethics guidelines.  At the forefront of this need are the pharmaceutical companies who have made a very lucrative business out of the business of marketing.  The techniques they have used, and are using, present a number of ethical problems.  Managers in the industry do realize the severity of the problems, but have been almost helpless to change the direction of this steam-filled train headed downhill. The present-day relationship between health professionals and pharmaceutical companies is headed for disaster.  The pharmaceutical companies are buying our doctors with a sample and the doctors are medicating America like robots of the pharmaceutical companies.  Something must change, and quickly.


Audio eBook on Leadership Collaboration  $29.95

Management leadership has been a subject of great controversy for over a century.  Some have spent their lives in search of the most productive method to lead the masses.  We have run the gambit of the very tightest controls, such as timing bathroom breaks, to no control at all, allowing the employees to run the show.  Neither extreme has stood the test of time.  Because leadership will affect another person’s life forever, either negatively or positively, it should never be taken lightly. There are many great researchers who feel the same way:  Kurt Lewin, Douglas McGregor, Fred Emery, just to name a few.  A leader with the ability to help each employee mature into confident, contributing adults is a premium.  Leaders who are able to maintain their authority while instructing, training, encouraging and empowering are priceless.  Theory X/Theory Y, Immaturity/Maturity, Autocratic/Participative/Laissez-Faire, Authoritarian/Democratic are examples of important theories, models and principles. 

In the world of daily change, not much remains the same, and yet, stability is the hope of almost every employee.  Businesses are faced with leadership decisions continuously, many times because they are not able to efficiently evaluate and hire leaders that can lead people to maturity.  Today more than ever, we need leaders who not only know what they are doing, but who are willing to be lifelong students constantly learning new and effective ways to lead.


          Audio eBook on Music as Core Curriculum in Schools $19.97
                 The professional arts organizations are not the only advocates for art and music in schools. In 1979 a book was published entitled, Coming to our Senses: The Significance of the Arts for American Education: A Panel Report. This book was the brain child of a panel chaired by David Rockefeller, Jr. It warned of impending doom if the arts were left out of our schools. Rockefeller wrote: “If we want our world to be still, gray and silent, then we should take the arts out of school, shut down the neighborhood theatre, and barricade the museum doors. When we let the arts into the arena of learning, we run the risk that color and motion and music will enter our lives.”


          Audio eBook of a Review of the Influence on the Law on Healthcare $19.97

The patient’s health and well being has long been far from the center of the focus.  The only way for our system to truly be turned around is to bring the patient back to the center of the focus.  With the dollar sign at the center of our health care system, we are symbolic of a train headed downhill.  Unless actions are taken to drive the physicians back to value-based, positive-sum competition, our train will surely wreck.  This seems like such a monumental task as it must be enabled by each provider individually.  What do we do to motivate providers to this new, unselfish place?  What do we do to motivate providers to work together for the sole purpose of facilitating health to all those who are sick (while truly believing in the payback of a value-based system)?  A few people who are willing to say no more crossed purposes and publicly implement the value-based competition could change the world.  This is the challenge set before us.

“Rita and I have worked together on numerous projects, both professionally and personally over the last ten years and more. Rita is always faithful to give more than one hundred percent of her very energetic self to anything she puts her hand to, and in doing so is enormously blessed. Rita has such a desire that God shine through in all that she does and says, and the results are always incredible!” May 6, 2009, Melanie Ginn, VP of Operations , Southern Risk Services, LLC

Rita Young Allen Teaching Credentials.....

Master of Science in Management Leadership (Healthcare Administration) from Troy University, Troy, Alabama
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Counseling, Emergency Management, Public Administration) from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Executive Director & Marketing Director for two National Healthcare Corporations
Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Minor in Music Education from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Associate of Arts in Vocal Performance, Wallace State College, Hanceville, Alabama
Music School Owner for 24 years
Performed at Carnegie Hall with Private Choirs, 6 years
Church Music Minister, 30+ years
Published Author, "The Sheaf Dreamer"
Columnist, 20+ years
President of Alabama National Speakers Association, 3 years
Public & Private School Teacher, 10 years (Choral & Drama)
Pageantry, Top Ten, National Competition of Ms. Senior America & Alabama State Director

Rita Young Allen, Keynote Speaking Professional / Concert Soloist / Published Author / Bible Teacher / Emcee

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Concentration in Counseling) from Jacksonville State University.

Master of Science in Management Leadership (Healthcare Administration) from Troy University.

Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Minor in Music, from Jacksonville State University.
Associate of Science in Music Education, Vocal Performance
Snead State College, Gadsden State College, and Wallace State College.


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