Thank you for your purchase. I look forward to spending
time with you. ~Rita
How are you coping with this “over
100 degree” weather? It has been very difficult for so many. Even though I grew up in the country (on Sand Mountain) these temperatures have been tough on me. Thank goodness I don’t have to work outside!
I was reminded of my grandmother working out in her garden, with her garden bonnet that had a 4-inch bill all around
her face, long sleeves to protect her arms and a big apron to wipe the dirt off her hands.
Oh my goodness, what beautiful and delicious homemade canned jars of vegetables came from that garden! Just about this time of year her kitchen was filled with steamy, hot days as she canned hundreds of jars
of food. My Grannie was a very strong support in my life. She taught me truth, kindness, beauty and diligence. I loved
sitting on her chenille spread in her bedroom, smelling of all her perfumes and coating my arms with dusting powder from the
big dusting puff! I loved her biscuits with butter and Golden Eagle Syrup blended
together. I loved our trips to the five and dime store where she always bought
me a goodie! Most of all I loved her faith. She will forever remain a powerful,
stable part of my past. The last few years of her life, she became incapacitated
and had to go into a Nursing Home. Her last two years were not very pretty, although
her faith brought her peace to the very end. I do wish I could have made her
last days more comfortable and I wish I could have provided her with more rest from her labors during the vibrant years of
her retirement before the time came for the Nursing Home. She canned vegetables
after she was tired of canning vegetables…because she thought she had to. She
pinched pennies because it was a way of life. She lived through the Depression
and with that came a designated value of things. Folks now can take advantage
of a lifestyle that will help them live their retirement years very alive and vibrant, with the luxury of resting from your
labors, long before time for Skilled Care! “It’s not how many breaths
you take, but how many moments take your breath away!”