Why should I become a member of ISN Works? If you’re
serious about explosive growth, spreading your message, and dramatically changing lives, then you owe it to your business,
and yourself to become an ISN member.
What is the difference between ISN Works and a Bureau?
First, ISN Works is not a bureau. We are full service marketing company. We work with speakers, trainers, consultants,
coaches and authors to market themselves, their services, and their products. Our agents are very hands-on, assisting each
member in building their client list, careers, and increasing their fees and bookings.
What fees are involved in becoming an ISN Works member?
Membership for ISN Works is a one-time lifetime membership fee of $525. Any bookings acquired through our efforts will be
handled with a 25% booking fee. Should anyone contact you directly as a result of ISN Works you may opt to handle the booking
yourself and we will waive the 25% booking fee. We do not take any spin-offs or back of the room product percentages.
Do I have to be exclusive with ISN Works? No, we
are here to open doors for you and your career. Once you become a member we will provide you with a list of reputable bureaus
to contact.
How does ISN Works partner with meeting planners?
ISN Works builds lasing relationships! Our goal is to provide the best speaker for their event and in turn they continue to
work with our company and recommend our speakers, staff, and organization.
Does ISN Works offer any accreditations?
ISN Works offers training at our workshops to provide you with the tools you need to succeed in today’s industry. When members complete 64 hours of training (4 workshops) they receive their GSI (Graduate
Speakers Institute) certification. ASC is a designation established by ISN Works to recognize those individuals who have completed
124 hours of course work or its equivalent. ISN Works realizes many individuals have achieved a substantial education through
work and life experience.
What if I do not have a demo video? ISN
Works does not require you to have a video to be a member. We do offer four workshops a year where you can attend to receive
additional training and video-taping. At our workshops, we give speakers an opportunity to film a video. Video can be filmed as a 10 minute video for demo use at just $200 or a full 45-minute presentation for
back-of-the-room product for just $495. We use multiple cameras and edit on the fly so you walk away with a quality video/DVD
to use for marketing purposes.
I am brand new to the industry. Is ISN Works
a fit for me? Yes 100%! We work with speakers who are established in the industry or just getting started. Our career
development workbook and consultation services will place you on your path to success. ISN Works assists you in developing
topics, marketing tools, and much more. The key is knowing what you want and taking action!