Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker for your next Christian Conference, your important Fund Raiser event, or
that special Women's Retreat, Rita will turn your gathering into a life-changing event. Rita's walk with Jesus
is real, moving and dynamic. She will bring the wisdom of her journey to the place where vision
is gained, hurts are healed, hope is restored and cleansing is experienced, like a gentle summer rain. Rita's
passion is to spread abroad the love of a sweet Savior while teaching the deep lessons of understanding and endurance, through
the dry dark places. Her speech will be customized to your theme, filled with joy, humor and scripture. There
will be engaging audience participation, laughter and tears.
Rita's Statement of Faith is...
~The Scriptures are the Inspired Word of God and are the Source
of Truth.
~God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy
~Salvation is by Grace; there is no other means for man's salvation.
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Rita Young Allen, M.A.
Speaking Professional
Music Color Expert
993 Rolling Mill Road
Brierfield, Alabama 35035
2014, Rita Young Allen, All Rights Reserved.
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